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#关于传统文化的名言英语作文范文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”传统文化的名言“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Famous sayings of traditional culture。以下是关于传统文化的名言的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Famous sayings of traditional culture

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most popular traditional festivals in China. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, it is also known as the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in China.

In ancient China, he was lured by corrupt officials and finally committed in Miluo River to protest against them. The traditions and customs held in this festival vary from place to place, but there are some common points. First, the most famous and great tradition is to hold dragon boat races.

In order to protect Qu Yuan's body from being attacked by fish and other animals in the river, fishermen hold such activities as beating drums and rowing boats. Dragon boat race is a very popular sports activity every year. Making zongzi and eating zongzi are wrapped in glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.

This is a very popular custom. It can be made of many kinds of fillers. In addition, it is also popular to hang herbs on the front door, drink realgar wine and paste the image of guardian in ancient Chinese mythology during festivals Protect people from evil and disease.

These customs and traditions have changed in recent years, but they still contribute to the spread and inheritance of Chinese culture.





2:,Traditional culture will not disappear. It seems that we live in the conflict between modern culture and traditional culture every day. When you go out of the house and hear the trumpet sound, when you open your eyes to see the so-called "popular", you can't help thinking, "will traditional culture gradually disappear?" A lot of people think, so they may put all the evidence they can dig up before you; they may argue that people don't cook at home, listen to pop music, they're not traditional, they rush to restaurants to eat, they dress in ways that people couldn't imagine

10 years ago, modern people like free air, they're not bound by tradition, they provide a long The list just wants to confirm that the world is full of fashion, competition and temptation, and traditional culture is declining and will eventually disappear, even though we live in a world where undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, intrigue and anarchy have become a part of our daily life, although this is an era of doubt, our faith has weakened, and we have a strong sense of traditional culture Some aspects of transformation should and will never lose confidence.

Don't you agree that our traditional culture has always been famous for its humility, politeness and respect, which have been cherished for more than 5000 years. In this modern world, people still admire those who are polite, those who treat others politely or respect the elderly do you agree that our traditional Chinese music is beautiful and artistic, our Chinese tea culture has always been a valuable asset of people all over the world, so our way of life or attitude towards life may change, but our traditional culture However, there is no change in some basic aspects of the traditional culture. I believe that traditional culture will never disappear.








3:传统文化的名言,Chinese culture Chinese culture is one of the oldest and most complex civilizations in the world. China has a rich history of artistic, philosophical, political and scientific progress. Although regional differences provide a sense of diversity, linguistic and religious commonalities connect a culture known for the great contributions of Confucianism and Taoism.

Confucianism is an official philosophy throughout the history of Chinese imperialism, and has a strong impact on other countries in East Asia. Mastering Confucian scriptures is the primary standard for entering China. With the rise of western economic and military forces, the imperial bureaucracy has gained support in China since the middle of the century.

Some of them refuse to accept Chinese cultural heritage, while others seek to combine the advantages of Chinese and Western cultures.





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